Tuesday 5 October 2010

A missed photo opportunity.

I was walking to work yesterday through the park, the sun was shining, creating those lovely long shadows you start to get at this time of year, everything was glowing and there on the grass amongst the browning leaves was the cutest squirrel I've seen sat with a massive conker in its mouth! 
It sat there for ages whilst I scrambled around in my bag in the hope of finding my camera as the scene was just too lovely to not have a photo of.
Sadly, I hadn't brought it out with me...moral of the story...always remember my camera even if I am just on my way to work!


  1. Oh I do so hate those moments of a missed opportunity to take a photo! I learned this same lesson just like you. Although your incident sounds much more grand. Squirrels make anything better! ^_^

  2. I always do that - I carry my camera around a lot, but always see the things I want to photograph on the days I leave it at home!

  3. Since then I've carried my camera with me as I walk to work and no such luck...the photogenic squirrel keeps avoiding me!
