Wednesday 15 September 2010


Still having trouble trying to find out how to link my Etsy shop to this blog!
I have managed to find a 'widget' from the brilliant website Craftcult so you can take a peek at what I have for sale using that...find it down the left hand side of the page. Still it would be nice to be able to have clearer  imagery of my products...


  1. Hi Anna -- I love your embroideries!
    I use the Craft Cult widgets on my blog and like them! Esty also has an "Etsy Mini" that you can put on your blog -- it shows your items in the order they appear in your shop -- however you want to configure it. Go to "Your Etsy" and on the left, under "Promote" there's "Etsy Mini."

    I used it for a long time, but changed my blog some and added the Craft Cult (I like the slow but steady movement). I'll probably put the Mini back at the bottom of my blog.

    Hope this helps! (and you don't mind the "lesson")!! (found you on the forums, btw)

  2. Hello from FreshUrbanVintage on Etsy! I LOVE you profile pic- that's great! Best of luck with your blog-- you are off to a fantastic start!

  3. Thanks very much for the advice Sarah! Will check Etsy Mini out now :)

    Vick, thanks, glad you like my blog!
