Friday 3 December 2010

Snow = A Nightmare

You ready? Because this is a proper story.

Contrary to how I was feeling earlier in the week, I now have decided that I dislike the snow very much. This comes after the day I had yesterday which felt like a nightmare to say the least.

It started when I foolishly disregarded the advice given by members of my family and set off to work in my car, when I quite easily could have walked. I dug my car out of a huge heap of snow and set off. The drama started when I got stuck down a road near work and had to try and reverse out of the way for an oncoming van, slipped and skidded nearly hitting parked cars before getting stuck trying to park. I had to just bail out and leave the car parked rather shoddily. Felt rather shaken up once I arrived at work and decided that come the evening I would leave the car where it was if I couldn't get it out.

Went to unlock my car once I had finished work and did so before the keys slipped from my gloved hands......into the drain! I actually let out a scream of terror as I realised where they'd gone. I had to go home feeling distraught at the fact my car was left unlocked. However my Dad and Brother decided to go on an expedition armed with tools to try and fish my keys out...I felt optimistic but alas a phone call confirmed the keys were gone. (Please note I don't  have a spare!) So, feeling awfully glum about the whole situation I sat and thought about what I could do. Then my Brother appeared with a really long, thin piece of wood on which we attached an old wire coat hanger and so my boyfriend Dale and I set out in the snow once again to try and fish the keys from the drain.

As we were poking around in the drain several people passed offering their help, one lady suggested opening the drain, but to do that we need to move my cue two men who offered to help push my car backwards with Dale to free the drain up. Their shere brute strength meant my car was sent backwards and we could open the drain. So began about an hour or so of fishing out leaves, a watch, a screwdriver and various other bits and bobs. Things were looking bad and so Dale rang a friend of his who lived nearby to aks if they had a magnet we could use and he did! But whilst we were waiting for the said friend with the magnet, the unthinkable happened....Dale fished out THE KEYS! I was in shock and just stared at them whilst Dale shouted 'well get them then!!' I carefully took the keys off the hook and danced around in the snow waving them in the air like a loony! Dale's friend arrived, a bit miffed that he couldn't use his strange
unfolding magnet thingy but he helped Dale give me a push start in the snow.

The moral of this story girls and boys is: Always Listen To Your Mother.

The. End.


  1. You know, mother's always know best - but we always forget to listen! All's well that ends well....

  2. Oh my goodness. I'm so happy you found them. Isn't it nice to see how kind-hearted people can be. I hope you have a fantastic week to make up for your bad luck so far.

  3. What a terrible experience- I'm pleased it turned out well in the end.

  4. Great story - I love a happy ending :)

  5. LOL - you'll know better next time, listen to your mother!
